Community Room Policy
The Community Room is available to organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, civic, or charitable activities. While dues may be collected, meetings must be held free and open to the public.
All Community Room reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis. Please email reservation requests to Trina Whitley, A reservation form is available on our website,, for your completion. The reservation form must be completed and returned to the Saratoga Fire Department. The completed form must be accompanied with the rental fee.
- All recurring reservations expire at the end of the current calendar year. A new reservation form must be completed and submitted along with the current fee for each year.
- Recurring reservations will be accepted for the next year on November 15th. If the date falls on a weekend, they will be accepted on the Friday before the 15th.
- Reservations may not be made more than one year in advance of date of use.
- No reservations will be taken via telephone. All reservations must be submitted by email, mail, or in person. Confirmation of reservations will be e-mailed.
- The Saratoga Fire District reserves the right to refuse rental of the facility. Permission to use the Community Room is granted on the condition that all rules are followed.
The non-refundable fee of $240.00/yr for one meeting per month or $20.00 for a single use is required when submitting the completed reservation form. Usage is limited to a total of 8 hours per month per organization. All checks are to be made payable to the Saratoga Fire District, and there will be no refunds for time not used.
The Community Room seats approximately 24. Wi-Fi is available. The password is on the bottom of the router. There is also a coffee area available for your use. THERE IS NO FOOD ALLOWED IN THE ROOM OR THE HALLWAY.
- The applicant is responsible for the set-up and clean-up of the event.
- Tables and chairs must be cleaned after use.
- All decorations must be removed.
- Sinks and counters must be wiped clean.
- The fire department staff is not responsible for set-up or clean-up. THERE IS NO FOOD ALLOWED IN THE ROOM OR THE HALLWAY.
- The use of nails, staples, screws, etc. on walls, table or other equipment is not permitted. Tape, if used must be carefully removed immediately following the event.
- Applicant will be responsible for any damage to facility.
- User shall observe, obey and comply with all applicable City, County, State and Federal laws.
- The offices and private areas of the fire station are not available for use during functions.
- No alcohol will be allowed on Fire District property.
- Rental groups must vacate the facility by 9:30 pm.
- The key must be picked up prior to the meeting. If the key has not been picked up, please cancel the meeting. There should be no assumption that anyone will be in the station to open the door for you.
- Noise in the hallways should be kept to a minimum.
- All emergency contact information must be kept current. In the event of a post incident debriefing or other fire department business, a scheduled meeting may be cancelled at the discretion of the Fire Chief or his designee. In this case, the individual listed as the applicant’s emergency contact will be called or e-mailed. It will be that individual’s responsibility to notify all members.
- In the event of a significant emergency in the City of Saratoga, the Saratoga Fire District community room will act as the EOC (Emergency Operations Center), for the entire city. In such an event, all scheduled meetings will be cancelled.