Saratoga Fire Hazard Zone Map/Wildland Urban Interface Area
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More than half of California’s 101 million acres of land is covered with flammable vegetation. This fact makes California one of the highest fire – risk areas in the world.
Fire Prevention is everyone’s responsibility. It is important for every Californian to know what it means to be “Fire Safe.” According to the California Department of Forestry, as many as 80% of homes lost to wildfires could have been saved if owners followed fire safe practices.
Here are some ways to make your home fire safe:
- Maintain a “defensible” space around your home by clearing all flammable vegetation within 100 feet of the structure.
- Clear all leaves and needles from the roof, eaves and gutters.
- Trim tree limbs within 10 feet of your chimney and trim all dead limbs hanging over your house or garage.
- Cover your chimney vent with a vertical spark arrester with a mesh screen.
Other Services: The Saratoga Fire District partners with the Santa Clara County FireSafe Council (SCCFSC) to provide these additional services.
- Home Ignition Zone Assessment – The SCCFSC offers Home Ignition Zone assessments for individual homeowners. A trained representative from the Council will come to your home and walk your property with you for 60 minutes. They will review defensible space and home hardening principles and make recommendations for your property. You will receive a written copy of their recommendations. You can find more information here:
- Chipping Services – Every spring the Council offers chipping services to residents who have created defensible space on their property. More information can be found here: